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London’s Most Notorious Prisons

London’s Most Notorious Prisons London has had many prisons, the most famous of which is the Tower of London. Victorian London was renowned for its prisons and places of correction – Dickens vividly portrayed the harsh conditions and inhuman treatment of prisoners.  While there are no more Victorian buildings, it is possible to visit the sites where they once stood, which will also take you to London's fascinating areas.  Tower of London Tower of London The Tower of London is the most popular tourist attraction in London and one of the greatest examples of Norman architecture anywhere in the world. William I started it around 1066. It was deliberately built just outside the City boundary as a warning to potential troublemakers. It was then extended by various monarchs till Edward I, and has been a palace, prison, menagerie, place of execution and fortress for the crown jewels. Famous occupants have included Sir Francis Drake, Anne Boleyn (executed by the sword), Sir Walter Raleigh

The Thames Is "Severely Polluted" With Plastic

The River Thames is "Severely Polluted" with Plastic River Thames Plastic pollution in the River Thames is reaching record-high levels, and things could get much worse. London's River Thames is full of secrets: home to   human teeth,   deadly   Amazonian Piranha , and " hyperactive " eels predisposed to swimming in high cocaine concentrations.   But are those somebody's gnashes snarling from below Tower Bridge — or bottle caps? Tight on its belt, the Thames exposes its most deadly horrors. It isn't easy to miss. The  second-largest river  in the United Kingdom has a massive plastic problem, documented by a new  report .  Researchers noted that the London River has some of the world's highest confirmed plastic particles rates, which makes the Thames one of the worst plastic-polluted rivers on Earth. Continue...

The Great Fire Of London 1666

This Is The Great Fire Of London 1666 Story Those who survived the Great Plague of 1665 must have thought that the year 1666 could not have been worse! Poor souls… they could not have imagined the tragedy that was about to fall on them. On September 2, a fire started in the King's bakery in Pudding Lane near London Bridge. This rapidly spread to Thames Street, where warehouses packed with combustibles and a heavy wind from the East turned the blaze into an inferno. After days of stuggles the Great Fire was finally extinguished on September 6. By then more than four-fifths of London was ashes. Miraculously, Only around half a dozen people were recorded to have died.  Sunday, September 2, 1666 In Thomas Fairness pudding Lane bakery is now almost one o'clock in the morning on Sunday, September 2. Everything's quiet in Pudding Lane. The foreigners finally went to bed an hour ago. The 23-year-old daughter Hannah was the last to go to sleep after getting in light for a candle.  L

Why Is London So Important?

Why is London important? London is a global city. A global city is not just important nationwide, but also on the international scene. London is, along with New York, one of the world's largest financial centres.  Much of London's financial sector is located on the longstanding business hub, the "Square Mile" or the "City."  Most international business headquarters are based in London, as are the major British firms. London has the world's second-best air connexions after Dubai.  London accounts for around 22 per cent of UK GDP, although it accounts for only 12.5 per cent of UK population.  The green space covers 47 per cent of the area. Recently, Thanks to its ambitious urban programme, London became the world’s first  National Park City. Many cities, like Brasília and Washington, are their country's political centres but not the business and financial centres.  In other cases, such as Istanbul and Milan, the reverse is true. London plays both roles